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Field Stations

Reference GPS (for Existing Infrastructure)

Not all site locations require dedicated communications or power. Many sites come with existing infrastructure (power and/or communications, especially wired Ethernet) that can be leveraged to simplify designs and reduce station cost. In most cases, remote sites require dedicated power and communications equipment. However, due to the differential processing aspect of high-precision GPS, there is usually a desire to have one or more stations deployed at sites on stable ground with good sky visibility for use as a reference station. In many cases, the optimal locations for these points are ideal for infrastructure such as communications hubs, which creates a synergy for what we call the GPS Reference Station design.

Arizona Ref

The GPS-Eth-REF station is a single GPS receiver and antenna integrated into a NEMA4 enclosure equipped for direct connection to existing DC power and wired Ethernet. The primary purpose of this design is to reduce cost and simplify field implementation for stations that harbor needed infrastructure. This station could be deployed anywhere that existing infrastructure supports a 12VDC power and wired Ethernet connection. It is a simple and effective design used widely as reference stations in mine slope monitoring networks that could be particularly effective for structural monitoring projects such as concrete arch dams and long span bridges.

NOTE: While we have come to call this station design the GPS-Eth-REF, this is actually a misnomer, as this station does not have to be used solely at GPS reference points. This station could be more accurately labeled as Infrastructure GPS.

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